Perhaps you've heard that there will be a new Catholic glossary to help increase the average Catholic's literacy within Catholic-speak. Truly, I do think this is helpful, though I wonder if half the terms in there are really things that your every day Catholic would need or want to know. Who knows - perhaps it will come in handy when we create our own version of Catholic Jeopardy or Trivial Pursuit. OOOH! Better yet - Catholic Scrabble! ;)
However, my real question is this: Given the news in a recent article by the Catholic News Service, will the term "chimera" be included? As defined in this article, a "chimera" is a human embryo implanted with animal cells. According to the Catholic bishops, chimeras should receive human status. No, I'm not kidding. This is not some 1970s science fiction film gone awry. This is based on a proposal under consideration in the British Parliament. (I'm still checking my calendar to see if we've gone back to April, though.)
The human embryo with 8 cells Ok, now, I know I'm sometimes a little out of the loop. (Shhh! Yeah, you know who you are. ;)) But when in the name of all that is holy did it ever become okay to inject a human embryo with animal DNA? Am I missing something? Shouldn't the first reaction of the Bishops be "STOP IT!" Ok, perhaps the Bishops wouldn't yell. But I mean seriously! We now have a name for humanimal embryos? (One that conjures up images of horrifying mythological animal hybrids nonetheless...)
The Chimera - mythological animal mutant
Did I miss the article that explained why on earth this was ever done to begin with? In all likelihood, I'm sure I did. I just want to know why - why didn't I hear about it before now? [Not to open an old wound, but why am I reading about Lindsay Lohan again in the headlines instead of this?!?] I'm not a moral theologian - or any theologian for that matter. I shoot from the hip and go with my gut. And granted, I'm a little hungry right now, but this one just makes me queasy. Now, if you're talking some medical breakthrough that will vaccinate a child - okay...start talking and explain. However, in reading the
article, that was not the sense I was getting. They did mention, however, that any splicing of a human egg/sperm with a non-human egg/sperm would continue to be prohibited... Genius. Sheer genius.
Anyone else feel a scene from MST3K coming on? Or perhaps the Bride of Frankenstein? Maybe a chorus from "Insane in the Membrane" would be more appropro. I'm really still hoping against hope that this is just a spoof - something illustrating that quirky British humor that I don't always get, but makes me laugh eventually just the same. Please, someone oh someone show me some purpose for this proposal that isn't just plain disturbing!
(Oh, and can you also answer me this? Why bring up gay adoption while discussing the creation of these chimeras and their rights as humans? Yes, I realize gay adoption is a rather sensitive topic in the Church right now, but really - putting that at the end of the same proposal that is talking about intermingling human and non-human DNA is a bit cheap and undignified.)
I'm floored, simply stunned...but clearly not speechless - sorry! :)
Signing off for now...
the Rakstar