So, like I said, I'm not yet sure what theme this blog will end up having. I do know that I should not promise to write everyday - given my track record, that would just be a promise emptier than Christ's tomb.
So, what can I promise?
Well, for one thing, this will be from the heart, going wherever the Spirit leads me to go in word. It may not be knowledgeable or wise, but it will be authentically me. So, expect a little humor, however poor, and some rambling thoughts. No, really, trust me. Perhaps in the end, a little bit of wisdom might shine through, or at least something that sticks with you and makes you think a little harder and love a little deeper.
Other promises? It's gonna be centered in Christ, so it won't be
that random. It is my faith that shapes my world, my faith in Christ's promises that is my foundation, so it would be unthinkable to come from any other angle. My life, my love, my work, my everything...all a gift from Him. I'm not saying I'm perfect...I'm far from it. But I am committed to living my life as a gift in honor of and to Him, no matter how much I fail from time to time. So, it'll be life as I know it, and in my life, Christ is the heart.
More promises? Heck, I have no idea! My life has been quite a journey so far, so I guess I'm just inviting you to come into the ride with me. I fully intend to live my life to leave a mark, though I have no idea how that will happen. I have every faith it will though, if I continue to speak from the heart and act from a love deeper than my own.
We've all got something to share - some little pearl of wisdom, be it infused in us by the Holy Spirit, or something we inherited from Great-grandma Betty. I'm convinced that I spend half my life afraid to give voice to the little whispers in my heart. I suppose this is one way for me to start leaving that fear behind, letting that fire that burns within begin to light the darkness that surrounds us. If it does nothing more than make you think, that's okay. At least I have done my part and proclaimed out loud the ponderings within.
Live out loud, shine brightly, leave no stone unturned, and indeed we might just rock the world.