Sorry, no, this isn't really about French cities. And I know that a few posts back I said I'd try to refrain from ranting, but this is really just too much today. Am I to understand that NBC has offered Paris Hilton ONE MILLION DOLLARS for her first post-jail interview?? ONE MILLION DOLLARS? (I know, I'm beginning to sound like Dr. Evil - sorry!) Now, perhaps I expect this from tabloid journalists, but has NBC really sold out to that genre of journalism?
I'm sorry - I didn't realize that it was such an important news story. How silly of me. With the soldiers, mission workers, political leaders and activists out there working to make the world a better place, I got distracted from real news. Good gravy, Maevy! (And $1M will buy A LOT of gravy...and apparently our love for the Barenaked Ladies). But I digress.
With the economy in the state it is in, and inflation being what it's been over the years, you could argue that a million dollars might not really buy that much. Housing is more expensive, gasoline is going up, a dollar just doesn't buy us what it used to.

Try telling that to a kid who can't get
clean water, when it costs only $2000-$5000
* to install a small capacity well that would provide clean water for life.
Or maybe we could tell that to a small community struggling to feed and nourish its families, where $500
* would buy a
heifer to provide nourishment and hope out of poverty for an entire small community.

True, a million dollars might not buy much for us in terms of luxury, but it goes a long way for people who have so little. So, here's to you NBC - thanks for spending 2000 heifers or 250 water wells making certain that we hear the riveting story of Paris's transformation right out of jail. You think maybe next time I could just have the million dollars? It would save the world in more than one way!
Have ideas on how you'd spend a million dollars? Leave 'em here!
Stuff like this makes me sad to be an American...you know how many people are going to watch that damn interview!!
Maybe since she found God in prison she'll give her money to a good cause...since she doesn't NEED IT!
I love your blog, and your rants are wonderful!
Seriously...well, God can make good out of anything, so I guess I'll leave that to Him. ;)
PS - More rants lie ahead, I promise...