So...I've been absent from Blogland for a long long time it seems. After all, the final installment of Harry Potter has long been read, discussed, re-read, rehashed and put to rest for now. It seems however that between my crazy schedule at home and a trip to visit a friend in Ohio, my body decided it was time to rest. A "viral syndrome" the doctor called it, even after taking 8 gallons of blood. I'm pretty sure she was actually dracula and that I was her unsuspecting, weakened victim.
Seriously, though, it reminded me of my dad - not the sickness, but the diagnosis. He was a big believer that when doctors have no idea what is going on, they test you, poke you and tell you it's a virus. I'm with you dad, I'm with you...
But, that is old news, and I am back. All that resting gives a gal a lot of time to think, though I must admit it was weakened thinking between the "I'm cold!" and "I'm hot!" Thanks to some good advice, the suffering moments were less intense when I refocused my thoughts to those who suffer far more than I and need my prayer and my sacrifice. I had recently bought a new crucifix which was hanging on my wall right across from where I lay, and I must admit, I think I had some rather lucid conversations with it as well. No worries, Jesus did not come up off the cross in a hallucination, I promise.
What this episode made me realize, though, is that if I don't take time off to rest and re-energize, my body will make time, and not in ways I'd prefer. It comes down to priorities - I cannot be all things to all people, not even at work. It's a matter of putting into practice the belief that it's not all about me (though when I'm sick, I admit I might lose that perspective), and that I am not the answer to all the world's problems. I'm here on earth to share the gifts I have, but also to identify and empower others to share their gifts. Part of that is realizing when I cannot share what I have, simply because I need to take time to regroup, be it mentally, spiritually or physically.
It's not about getting old, it's about getting smarter with my resources. I'm a steward not only of the material gifts God has given me, but of my own talents and body. If I don't take care of what I have, I won't have anything left to share, and then where does that leave me...or my quest to share Christ with the world? So, from this point forward, I know I'm going to disappoint some people by pulling back and not giving my 150% - I'm going to have to learn to live with that. In the end, though, what I give will be stronger and more focused, and I think that is far more important. Now I just have to remember all this when the schedule starts filling up again... :)
More blogs to come now that I'm back, but that's all for this installment. Keep on rockin' the world folks!