Baseball, apple pie and hotdogs...that is what we
should have had for dinner before sitting in the park last night listening to the community orchestra. As we were walking to and fro, getting our "small" frozen yogurts at the Dairy King (not to be confused with the Dairy Queen mind you), we noticed a small community orchestra set up to play in the town park, most appropriately, a town square in fact. Approaching the scene, complete with an old fashioned popcorn cart, JW quite rightly observed that in front of us sat a real life picture-perfect portrait Americana at its best.
With the kids running about while parents set up their lawn chairs, we decided to pop a squat on a park bench along the edge of the sidewalk. I must confess, I felt a little bit like the Gilmore Girls at that moment with the banter that often surfaces when JW and I are out - set in a town square only made it more Gilmore-esque. And true to form, small town America came to life (though a bit on the Wonderbread side of American life - we couldn't lie about that). Starting off with the National Anthem, the orchestra showcased its younger community members, high school and college students pursuing musical dreams. Meanwhile, little boys chased the girls, soccer balls were kicked around and the fountain sprayed on as it should on a nice summer evening.

Old and young alike, blankets strewn, bikes parked, dogs on a leash, strollers set aside...for an evening the cares of the world were gone. Children (and their parents) ran with wild abandon, enjoyed a bucket of popcorn, just took in the sights, sounds and smells of the evening. The earlier storm had left a cool breeze and billowy clouds that ignited the imagination - I'm pretty sure I saw a cloud that looked like a dog...or a dog that looked like a cloud. Above the symphony arose squeals and laughter from the exuberance of youth that outlasted us on that park bench. So off we went, back into our lives, stepping out of what would have surely inspired another Norman Rockwell masterpiece. Apple pie aside (and the baseball game won by sundown), a peaceful calm and joy took over the scene, if only for a moment. It is a moment to be cherished, for certain.