It's been less than a month since the Vatican issued their specialized 10 Commandments for Motorists, and let's face it - I'm not sure I've seen any effect! Ok, ok, I'm not really sure I expected any. And truly, it's not only on the road that the 10 Commandments or the Golden Rule no longer apply. Let me take you on a short journey through my travels the last few days.

Point of interest #1: Church parking lot/road. I found myself at a new parish yesterday (that shall go unnamed), and was trying to maneuver my way about the area. I'm already leary of parking lots because I am convinced that people purchase horse blinders and just bully their way through them with no regard to pedestrians or other vehicles, but a church parking lot I thought might be a little better. Ha! The joke was on me - there was one mode of operation for everyone, and that was "I'm getting out of here, you can wait!" Elderly pedestrians were dodging cars, and not one car let another one in. All this in a parking lot. As we got onto the road, one driver literally parked his/her car in the middle of traffic so they either had to hit them, or let them in. I understand it can be frustrating to wait to turn left, but there are other optional directions one can take on that road to ease the congestion. Wanting to avoid all possible collision, I went merrily on my way the other direction. No need for all that stress on a Sunday!

Point of interest #2: The grocery store. So you think that road rage only applies to cars? Heck no! I'm in the grocery store, and called my mom for what I thought would be a quick question on how to prepare a certain food. I had every intention of it being a short call, but found out during the conversation that she'd had to go to the ER. Quick call no more, much to my own chagrin. Well, apparently, my cart was not pulled the side enough as I was shopping and talking, but instead of simply asking me to move, which I gladly would have, a man actually rammed my cart with his to get it out of the way. My look of shock and horror only reached his wife, who smiled apologetically. Lucky for him I was on the phone...well, probably lucky for me too, or I would have acted in a way that would not have been how I'd ideally want to react. I found vindication however, later in the store when
his cart was blocking
my way. Not to gloat, but I did
not ram his cart - I simply said excuse me, looked him straight in the eye, and went on my way. Oh, he knew...he knew. :)

Point of interest #3: I-75 Northbound. Again, I know the morning commute can be frustrating. But buddy, the sign on the side of the road says "70 mph" and when the left lane is already well exceeding that, I'm sorry if other drivers don't have much patience for you zigzagging through traffic cutting everyone off. At those speeds, 2 feet is not enough room to merge into a lane - even if you
are in an SUV. And the next time you feel the need to cut off the last car in a line of cars, check your mirrors to see that waiting 2 extra seconds would have gotten you into the lane of your heart's desire without aggravating another driver and/or creating an accident. It's not all about you, even if you do have the bigger car.
I'll be back on the road in a little bit. While I'm sure there could be more stories to tell, I'll leave you with these few from the past 24 hours. You feel free to ponder your own moments and your own reactions. That's really all we can control, after all. :)