I sometimes wish my eyes were attached to cameras. It is so often that I see something and think "Wow! That would make a cool picture!" and yet there is no camera nearby or the moment has passed too quickly. Yes, yes, the memory and the experience are my own internal "camera" of sorts, I know. I can hear Bishop Flores in my head from his address to us at World Youth Day telling us to be sure to capture the moment in our minds and hearts as well as on film. But seriously, sometimes I just want to take a picture, and it would be far easier if the camera were attached to my eyes and clicked on command.
For those who know me, they might say I'm a wee bit of a photobug. Ok, they might use a different word than "wee." I enjoy the capture of an emotion, a moment, and sometimes just little things that you don't think to capture everyday. On a recent trip, I apparently began to take the term "photobug" too literally in some people's estimation...I think I got a couple interesting shots. You be the judge!