Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down...
...to say nothing of misty days and Tuesdays? Ok, that's not actually true. Sure, my first thought was...ugh, morning...and gloomy. But as I was driving into work, the misty gray sky and slight drizzle begin to have a certain appeal. Of course, I would have preferred that appeal on a day slightly cooler and across the Pond...there's just something about the mist and smell of a peat moss fire that is uber-comforting...

As much as I would have loved to get a picture of this misty morning, I thought it best not to snap while driving with my new phone and droopy eyelids. Instead, here's a picture from my trip across the Pond. You see why I might like it better than a misty metro-Detroit morning....

Birthday Blues...
They say it's my birthday. And so far, I am rather unimpressed. Well, sure, it is only mid-morning, but let's just say I am remaining a skeptic. Far gone are the days of being excited for the impending party, the pile of presents, and the pizza and cake. It's just that everything in life gets more complicated when you're older...even birthdays.

The age old question still gets asked: "What do you want for your birthday?" The trouble is, at this point in my life, if I really tell you, you'll just get offended. What do I want? I'd like a day to myself, where I can just relax, sit in silence if I want, rock out to music if I want, get pampered if I want, choose to hang out with whomever I choose if I want, without the drama of explaining why I chose who I chose...a day where the demands of life are just erased. I'd like a day where I do not need to perform, do not need to be nice when I want to scream, do not need to satiate other people's desires of being useful and 'thoughtful' by attending things I don't even want to go to. I'd like to actually sincerely be asked what I would like instead of being told what I will like because someone else feels a need to be thoughtful and generous and give me something I don't even want because it makes them feel better.

Now, I must interject in my own ranting to say that I do have two very memorable birthdays from my adulthood.* The first was my 20th birthday where my best friends in college threw me a surprise party in my own apartment. I know - rather amusing, right? For my "gift" they cleaned my apartment (really they were just getting it ready, unbeknownst to me), and one of them took me to dinner while the other "already had plans." She sure did! Very low key, but so very thoughtful... The other was a few years ago...possibly my 1st anniversary of my 30th birthday. My best friends arranged for us to stay in a jacuzzi suite at a hotel, had a masseuse come in, and arranged for our fourth member to show up to take us to dinner and a movie. Again, totally low-key, but the most fun I've had at a birthday in many years - I even got a handmade, storybook birthday card from Mr. BirthdaySkeptic himself!

Now, I'm sure in the years to come, things will change. I'll appreciate the quiet times with my own family, new ways of celebrating and giving...but for now, this year, I remain unimpressed. Perhaps it's just the stress of the many things going on in my life right now. The wedding is two weeks away, we've just been told they are cutting our full staff by 77 and everyone must re-apply for jobs, my mom is staying with me until the week before the wedding... Perhaps it is just all of those things together that make me want to run and hide. That, however, is not my fate for today. For today, it is just another day for me, though to everyone else it may seem something special to say it is my birthday...

So this year, dear BirthdaySkeptic, I agree with your earthly revolutionary theories. There - there is YOUR belated birthday present...or early Christmas present - you pick! :)

*I should mention it is really 2 and a half memorable birthdays. For my 25th, my friends made a valiant effort to work with my mom from afar to plan a fun surprise party. Unfortunately, my mom decided to hire a limo w/o asking/telling me (I get carsick) and they lied to me about where we were eating. Never mess with this girl when it comes to food! All in all, not quite a great birthday, but I very much appreciated the effort by my friends...
Stop! In the name of God...
Have I mentioned that there are orange barrels in my way all over the place?? Well, as I pulled into a church parking lot to make a u-turn to remedy the fact that the orange barrels were obstructing my ability to make the turn I needed to make, this is what God provided me. I'm sure He thinks He is quite humorous. I tend to agree this time... ;)

No Crisp Apple Strudel for Me!
...just give me vivid clouds at sunset!

The Photo Ten Years in the Making!!
For ten years, I have driven into the back lot of the parish where my office now sits, and every spring thought - I have got to get a picture of those sheep! Yes, there is a sheep farm right next to the church in the middle of the city. Of course, this didn't always used to be city - the university across the way used to be a farm after all... So finally, after a decade (yikes - I've lived here a full decade!), I have captured a version of the photo I have always wanted. It's not quite the way my mind's camera captured it, but it will certainly do for now! BAAAAAAA!!!!

Holy moly - has it really almost been a month since I've been here? It's been a busy and slightly disarrayed time in this Blogger household. The home improvements are currently on-hold and furniture has been assembled. Most trips are now out of the way, and we're heading full steam toward wedding day!

What have I been up to? Oh...no worries - there are pictures to come. I've been snapping, just no time for the uploading until now. So hold onto your eyes...well, they should be attached...and here we go!
Is it ironic that the alert level is Orange right now?
...'cause that is still all I see! FlyGirl keeps texting me pictures of her adventures in the midst of orange barrels too! Well, in my last rant about the land of orange, I said I'd take my own pictures, so here they are!

I'm so glad to see they are working so very hard!

Now, this was in Ann Arbor.
I wonder if the barrels in Lansing say "Wolverine?"

Lurking Shadows in this Land of Orange
Did you have images of the Wizard of Oz and the multicolor ponies? No? Good. That was sooo not where I was going.

The Land of Orange would be this lovely metro-area I live in. Finster and I wrote an Ode to MDOT once - I wish I could find it now. (MDOT for those not from the area is the Michigan Department of Transportation. I contend it should be MDOLT - 'cause the transportation has been plain ol' Lousy!)

(This photo is from the MLIVE website. Though I could have driven two minutes and taken my own picture, quite frankly, I was just too lazy to do so. Perhaps one day I will replace it with my own rendition...don't hold your breath though - blue isn't a good color for you.)

It seems we cannot get from here to there without an orange barrel surfacing. If they were truly working on a whole stretch of road, I would be somewhat understanding (though I still maintain that they do not need to be working on multiple major thoroughfares at once - but what do I know?). Unfortunately, as you drive down the orange barrel lined roads, the sight of burly men at work is ... well ... few and far between. I say that with disappointment not because I enjoy the sight of construction workers, but rather because I dislike the inconvenience of closed lanes where no work is being done.

I am sure my friends in construction could give me multiple reasons why such closures are necessary. To them, I say "Poppycock!" I, of course, am not 100% sure what that means.

Amidst this sea of orange, it seems too that lately all I hear is more bad news. More people losing jobs, sick parents and grandparents, losing loved ones, troubled pregnancies, yadda yadda yadda... Even in the excitement of an impending wedding, all this news can cast a gloomy shadow on things - it can even drain my energy and has from time to time. No worries, though, every shadow has the sun behind it, and I know that all this too shall pass. With so many blessings in my life, the evil one is sure to try to muck it up with a little darkness in the shadows, but I know who's on my side. To all those with the cares of the world on their shoulders, myself included some days - I say give it all up to the only one who has conquered the world. Jesus - it's all yours!
The One Where They Demolished then Created...
...and that is what this episode of our own version of Friends would be called. Well, minus the floor sander, perhaps this episode was kind of already done, only I didn't inherit a stinky boy apartment. I'm just renovating before the hubby-to-be becomes the hubby-who-moves-in!

FlyGirl came over last night to help rip out the last of the carpet that covered the hardwood floors in my house. The room that was the office...er, storage/office, is now uncovered and waiting for furniture to become the office/guest room until we have need for an office/nursery. Yes, the office will remain in place. Once you understand that the "office" is a desk and some supplies in the closet, it makes it less strange I hope!

As payment for her hard work, I made dinner, and as usually happens, we caught a few episodes of Friends in syndication (because we all know you can catch an episode just about anytime, anywhere) while we were on our dinner break. After finishing up in the office, taking the rolls of carpet and other demolition trash outside to the curb, we set out to be a little less destructive and a little more creative.

Earlier in the day we'd been looking at fancy-schmancy headbands that FlyGirl could possibly wear in our wedding now that she has shorter hair that won't go up. After surfing a few sites and realizing that the bridal business is a veritable racket we couldn't afford, we were inspired to create our own line of headwear. So we threw on "America's Got Talent" (which after watching the show for the first time I find to be questionable), and away we went!

...now we just need models to show them off in style!

All in all, not a bad night of destroying and creating, of creating and destroying....
Cottonballs and Broken Cords
So, I've had a few things to upload over the last couple of days, more photos from a day in the life, interesting experiences, but well, one of those experiences kept me unplugged...literally! I was working on the office in my home (painting and clearing the room to pull out the carpet), when I unplugged the computer from the power strip. In doing so, the prong on the cord actually snapped. I'd never imagined that was possible. In the interest of not completely frying the laptop, I decided to use the computer for work only, preserving what battery life I had, while I ordered another adapter (second one, mind you). Luckily, thanks to a HS/FB friend, I spent much less on this one NOT going through Best Buy...best tip I've gotten all year! ;)

Long story...well...long, I'm back in business! The weather has been warmer and more humid than I like, but the sky has been just beautiful in the mixture of the perfect cottonball clouds and sunlight. So, here are a few sky-pix from the past week...

(Just in case you were concerned, rest assured I was not actually driving while these photos were snapped with my phone. I was at a stoplight for two and in a parking lot stopped at a stop sign for the other!)
The Apple of My Eye...
Or, rather...the sassy apple as I like to call it!
Seriously - is this apple not sticking it's tongue out at me?!?
Little sassafrass fruit snack...

Longing for Autumn...
Every now and then, I go back through all my photo files, and realize one of the downfalls of being the shutterbug I am is forgetting some of the pictures I have taken. This evening I took a stroll down photo lane and discovered a store of photos from our last Fall Retreat. I love autumn, with its rich and vibrant colors, to the cool breeze...and having a retreat on Lake Huron just adds to its charm. Seeing these makes me look forward to autumn, though I realize this year I have new adventures to look forward to...

The colors of autumn...

Life's a beach...or on the beach...

Luck be a lady...bug...

A beloved park bench...
Ye Olde Insomniac
I admit it. I am old. Well, older than I was at any rate. ChiquitaBanana had a party tonight, and I was gleefully planning on arriving around 7:30 and leaving by 10...until on the phone with FlyGirl, when I realized I should check the party details. Much to my dismay, the party did not even start until 9. Upon learning this, I was truthfully disappointed.

Although I've been having trouble sleeping (and no, it is not because I am blogging in the wee hours of the morning. I'm blogging because I can't sleep!), I must admit I have long looked forward to being home by 9 or 10, getting into my pajamas and just relaxing. I am no longer the MadameSocialButterfly I used to be by any means, as Hombre and I were discussing at ChiquitaBanana's. Long gone are the days where if a party started at 9, we'd show up at 11 and possibly stay 'til the sun came up the next morning. Those were indeed glorious days, and perhaps we can relive them on rare occasion.

Mostly, though, I'd rather curl up on the couch with a good book or some reruns...possibly a good movie if one is on tv, because even deciding on a movie to put in the DVD player is too much effort at night. I think one of the things I am most looking forward to about marriage is having someone to share that downtime with...and maybe someone to make the decision about the movie, though my MonsterMan might not always get his pick.

And now...off to try to cure that insomnia with some sleep.

(All names have been changed to protect the innocent. I kind of figured you might have guessed that, but hey - I don't want to make assumptions. I am not really marrying a monster.)
Life's Just a Bowl of Cherries...
...or orchards full of cherries in our case!

(roadside stand on Mission Peninsula in Michigan)

(thanks for the pic setup, Sparkle!)

Let Them Eat Cake!
Ok, Cake Boss I am not. But...I gave ye olde cakeistry (cake artistry) a try and this is what I came up with. It's been dubbed the Alamo, a Mayan temple, and what it actually was supposed to be...a sandcastle. Yes, in hindsight, I would have focused less on how to include the pudding moat, and more on structural design. Well, it is what it is - it was tasty, that's for sure! Of course, I'm still finding crumbs of cake and "sand" all over the house...mental note for next time, design in a box... Next time, it's on cakeists, it's on...

No worries Z-head and JoJo...I'm not gunning for your business - you're leaps ahead of me!

Never Tempt the Temptor
For as much as I was glowing the blessings of the past few days, today's little 'glitches' remind me to not get too comfortable. Between network outages, headache inspiring conversations, spilled soup (thank goodness it wasn't milk or I'd have to cry!), it's been a day! And that was after going to confession and a brief moment of adoration. As we fight our way to Jesus, Lord knows that the devil fights us even harder.

It's sure a good thing that there were moments of consolation in prayer this morning, where the voice of God began to answer some prayerful questions I'd been asking (ok, ok, pestering) Him with forever. And as I look out the window while I work, it seems that the sun is shining and it is another beautiful summer day. Now if only those pesky animals that helped Snow White clean the dwarves' house would come and clean mine...

Apparently, I'm more of a Cinderella than a Snow White for now. ;-)

Just My Luck, Summer Perfection & Reaping Grim
Today is one of those days. No, I don't mean that in a bad way for once! It is one of those absolutely beautiful perfect summer days where it is not too warm or cool, sunny with little cottonball clouds amidst a bright blue sky, trees of green and wildflowers lining the drive into work. It is one of those days - the kind where there is no doubt God is smiling on us despite the aching headache, late work night and rushed day. It's a day where you can't help smiling no matter the other little glitches. I can definitely take more of those!

Today comes after another day where things didn't start off so great, but then, everything started lining up. If you've ever seen Just My Luck (and I'm a little ashamed to say I watched it on tv the other night), I felt a little like lucky Ashley. Sure, I missed the priest by five minutes when I went down to the Solanus Casey Center, but there's always tomorrow. And yes, my computer was giving me all kinds of headaches as I was trying to finish a project for work, but there were creative ways around it. And sure, the travel-wedding dress I took in to get altered ended up being two sizes too big. Always a good thing except when they tell you it will cost just as much to alter the dress as you paid to buy it. And yet, they offered me a size exchange for a dress that was of equal value which, at the end of the day, I like even better than the one I'd originally bought - and it doesn't need any alterations! Now, you can't get much better than that as a bride to be, let me tell you. Are there other headaches (literal and proverbial)? Um, sure - that's life. All in all, not so bad a day, especially once the project was all complete and set at the end of the night...and I mean the end.

Yes, that led to a bit of sluggishness this morning as I headed out for appointments and work, but it was worth the effort to not have to worry about it through the day. Unfortunately, I also received a phone call first thing in the morning from a friend, early enough that I had to check the message immediately since I'd missed the initial call. Sure enough, it was not good news, which is what I figured from the "early" hour of the phone call - my friends know before 9 a.m. is not my best time of day....make that 10 a.m.! It turned out that her father had passed away suddenly the night before, and I was the one she thought of to call, both for prayer and to let everyone know. This makes friend #2 who has called me to be the point of contact for such news.

Now, some may get a complex. I admit, even I wondered why I was the one they chose, aside from the fact that my own father died while I was still in college. That wondering turned to quite a bit of humility in the end - that they would think of me to trust with that news and to do what was necessary is actually an honor. I can only hope that my prayer and response brings a little peace to an otherwise tumultous time. For FriendG I hope that I can be a better friend as she works through the loss, and for KFriend, I pray that I might let God use me as he chooses and not shy away from my own brokenness.

All in all, a pretty blessed week so far...
I sometimes wish my eyes were attached to cameras. It is so often that I see something and think "Wow! That would make a cool picture!" and yet there is no camera nearby or the moment has passed too quickly. Yes, yes, the memory and the experience are my own internal "camera" of sorts, I know. I can hear Bishop Flores in my head from his address to us at World Youth Day telling us to be sure to capture the moment in our minds and hearts as well as on film. But seriously, sometimes I just want to take a picture, and it would be far easier if the camera were attached to my eyes and clicked on command.

For those who know me, they might say I'm a wee bit of a photobug. Ok, they might use a different word than "wee." I enjoy the capture of an emotion, a moment, and sometimes just little things that you don't think to capture everyday. On a recent trip, I apparently began to take the term "photobug" too literally in some people's estimation...I think I got a couple interesting shots. You be the judge!

PPZ, Charity on the Road and Procrastination Station!
I am in the midst of reading Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, and I must say I am in a state of perplexity. I'm not quite sure whether to be grossly horrified (and I do not use the word "grossly" lightly!), or brilliantly amused. At times it seems as though the author has created a web-bot into which you place the novel and out comes zombified language to substitute for the phrases of Austen-ian England. At other times, the writer has intuitively captured the underlying feeling of the characters and interjects some brilliant humor, where before it was only assumed.Elizabeth the Zombie Slayer, my verdict is still out whilst I finish the book. For now, I continue to waver between gasping in shock, and laughing...sometimes also in shock at the looser nature of some of the characters comments.

Now, of course, Elizabeth could come in handy...or rather, perhaps it is a good thing she is not real for it would tempt me to call upon her services driving as of late. I'm not sure if there is something in the air, but I am convinced that drivers have lost all sense of reason. Maybe zombies are to blame, eh Lizzy? Regardless, I find it challenging to maintain a sense of Christian charity as I've been driving. Don't get me wrong - I haven't lost it...yet. But seriously? You are going to be in the far right lane of a three lane exit ramp and then turn your car so it is horizontally blocking two lanes because you have realized you really want to turn left from the right-turn-only lane? SERIOUSLY?? [I do wish I'd been aware enough to snap a pic on my cell phone, but sadly I was not]. Oh, and boat-of-a-station-wagon - no, your car does not gracefully make U-turns in the middle of the road into a left turn lane right in front of me with any ease whatsoever. Please be advised.

Perhaps I am simply exhausted from these antics on the road ... or maybe it's just that I want to finish this book that has captured my attention for some odd reason. Either way, the painting I need to do will just have to wait. Sorry study - you've now reached procrastination station, especially since I've realized that you need to be completed in 4 weeks, not 2. My apologies.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
The Rakstar is Baaack!
Yes, I know it was a LOOOONG break, but like I said, I am not one who keeps a journal well. I've learned over the past few months that perhaps it isn't so much that I don't have the ability to keep up with a journal, but rather that perhaps I have to alter my perceptions of what that journal should look like.

In my mind, I aspire to keep a record of deep thoughts and profound experiences, waxing philosophical on life, unrooting the mysteries of theology and sharing them with the world. Well, in reality I think it is safe to say my profound moments come in blips and images rather than verbose, inspiring prose like Monster Friend. I guess I'm just going to have to learn to love who I am and go with it.

What does that mean for this blog? More photos, less babble! Well, more photos at least...it's a definite fact that I tend to photograph those things that intrigue me...whether it be ice cream flavors clearly designed to prey on emotional women,

(really, Edy's? Eating away our emotions?)

or cats laying with their legs hanging off the table like a child...ok, maybe not exactly like a child, but still intriguing to me!

So stay tuned for more pictures from the life of this Rakstar, and the occasional prose when the Spirit strikes. :)

God bless and good night!!
The Little Things
It'd been a crummy week so far. Partly it's the February funk, and partly, it's things I can't even put words to, or shouldn't in public. Tonight, as much as I did NOT want to leave the house, I had to, and I'm glad I did.

I had a lovely dinner with a friend, where we tried to sort through and solve all our problems which really only resulted in laughter. Then I ran into Anna Bahnahnah, my World Youth Day roomie, who I hadn't seen in a very long while which was quite a lot of fun. I got prayed over without asking, which I needed. I had a nice long hour of prayer, which I needed. And on the way home, I saw fireworks. Sure, it's the middle of February and there's no reason anyone would set off fireworks, but there they were. And they made me smile in the midst of trying to sort out some things that made me uneasy.

It's nice when the little things catch you by surprise and bring a smile to your face...God is good.
Life is But a Dream?
I've been in Chicago over the past few days at a conference with people from around the country who are part of a network of retreats offered by a ministry partner in Chicago. First, may I just say, I love Chicago. There is just something about the place - vibrant, eclectic, walkable....it was nice to be somewhere I could just walk a few minutes to get somewhere rather than always having to be in my car. Detroit is feeling stale right now, but I'm not sure whether it's the place or my own state of mind.

This brings me back to a particular experience over the past couple of days that has me a little troubled. We were being asked to envision the future - I'm usually good at that. I love looking at the bigger picture and seeing the vision of what could be and then reflecting and praying on what should be of that. Yet, when asked to dream without limits - I came up blank. Now, I can excuse part of that being that we're a brand new partner and I am not sure my vision is 20/20 when it comes to their programs. Unfortunately, though, part of the reflection included putting ourselves into a scene in Scripture - this particular one was the one with the blind man on the side of the road that is yelling after Jesus to come heal him. Wanna know my role in the scene? I was in the back of the crowd just taking it all in.

For whatever reason, this greatly disturbed me. I wanted to be the blind man screaming after Jesus, knowing what I needed and demanding it. I wanted to be able to answer Jesus's question of what it was that I wanted from Him. Try as I might, I got nothin' but that question to ponder on. Do I no longer have dreams? Or have I become so attuned to the limited reality of what is that I can't dream unabashedly big dreams? Partly, I know that I'm content with where I am and I know there are changes coming that I can't completely anticipate. A new life in marriage, our own new family - all this will bring "freshness" and changes that I can't yet foresee. Should that mean that I can't dream until I know that reality, though?

And what of this stale feeling? It's even more pronounced after returning from the Windy City. I had started off the year with new energy, happy with being refocused at work and in life. Now, though, just a whole lotta staleness...almost feeling stuck. I am left wondering if that's a sign that I need to move onto something new in my life now, or an anticipation of new things to come, or just a period of wanting more that leaves me thirsting for something fresh. As much as those times are a struggle, the simple act of desiring more may lead to something I couldn't now anticipate. So, for now I put all that into my prayer and we'll see what the spring brings.
An Alternate Universe
Facebook is a funny thing. For so long, I resisted the urge to join. Yet, it is like the Borg it seems - resistance is futile. Like any technology, it's got its pros and cons, but I have to say I do enjoy being able to more easily keep in touch with old friends with little fuss. Heck, it keeps me in touch with current friends, though at times it can also seem stalker-ish. I mean, do people really need to know what I'm doing at any given moment?

The more interesting phenomenon has been the virtual high school reunion. I'm now Facebook friends with a whole host of people I don't think would ever have called me a friend in high school. As we catch up and see what everyone has been up to (and I do think that curiosity perhaps has a lot to do with some of these friendships), I find myself sometimes wondering if I existed on the same planet as them during those years.

Sifting through pictures, realizing how many of them still stay in touch - truly in touch and not just Facebook - I feel a little like I am in an alternate universe. My high school experience was not enjoyable to say the least. I had my little group of friends, and we had fun, but for the most part, my social calendar was not overflowing beyond that. Heck, let's call it what it was - I was a nerd. I knew I was missing out on some of the scene, and I knew that I was different, but other than just wanting out, I made it through.

It wasn't until this Facebook reunion started though, that I realized I lived in a completely different world. Not only did I miss out on many moments - I was never privy to knowing they existed. Dances, parties, trips...heck - some of them even went on to the same college as me and I never knew it. Completely different universe.

Would I change that? I honestly don't know. I'd like to take the mature, high road and say no, because everything that happened before has made me who I am today. Deep down, though, I think there will always be a little part of me that wonders "what if?" What if I had existed in the same reality? Maybe not a part of the same crowd, but maybe not quite so completely removed. And another part of me wonders if my memory just fails me and I knew all this at the time and have blocked it all out because I've moved on to bigger and better things.

Either way, I'm pretty sure those alternate worlds still exist in high schools (and beyond), and that makes me a little sad. In fact, I'm pretty sure the isolation and taunting has only gotten worse if the world-at-large is any indication. Maybe I should be glad I can exist in my own little world where I've moved beyond the hurts of the past and am content with my life, knowing I'm where God has called me to be. Or maybe I should 'fess up' and admit that old hurts don't just die, and give them up to God and be happy that I am content with my life now, knowing I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

Besides, as shiny as their past may seem with my nose against the Facebook window, deep down I am pretty sure we are ALL a bunch of misfits in a crazy world.
Deep Thoughts and Laughter
I somehow seem to think that I need to get something profound out of every day. In reality, that doesn't always happen, even when I do slow down and spend some quiet time in prayer. Sometimes, my biggest revelation is "hey, at least this day didn't totally suck."

Of course, as I was sitting in Mass yesterday, the thought hit me that I complain and criticize an awful lot - not so much publicly I hope - but enough of it that I know it's something that affects my own perspective. Then the voice of God came to me saying, "Instead of criticizing, pray." Ok, so it wasn't a big booming voice - no James Earl Jones over the loudspeaker - but that quiet whisper when you know the truth of it and still resist it. I mean, is it really complaining, or just venting so you don't dwell on it?? What do you mean I am rationalizing my behavior?

Anyway, so I did have one deep thought. And as much as profundity makes me grow, it's the laughter that soothes the soul. Monster Friend is moving away, and as thrilled as I am for her, I know I will miss the laughter that always ensues. Good thing I have her blog to read!! That got me thinking of the moments I remember over the years, especially as friends from grad school are posting pictures from back in the day, and it is hands down the moments that brought with them laughter. The tears I remember too, don't get me wrong. But the stronger memories are those moments filled with gut-busting laughter, where I'm laughing so hard I'm trying not to pee my pants! Maybe if I laughed more, my gut would bust out smaller....hmmmm....maybe not.

And that brought me back to complaining...well, not actually complaining, but thinking about complaint and criticism. None of it actually moves me forward - the venting may release some steam, but I usually just end up all scrunchy in the end (to use a Phoebe-esque description). I guess that whole "release it into prayer" and move on to something funny (ok, I added the last bit myself - that wasn't so much God) isn't such a bad idea after all.
I Hate Journaling.
No, I don't mean I dislike it - I seriously hate journaling. Is that even a word? Isn't it just taking a noun, adding the "ing" suffix in the hope of turning it into an activity that millions of people will blindly acquiesce to in the hopes of great self-awareness?? I'd much rather be into lunch-ing. In fact, I am much more into lunch-ing...or dinner-ing...or supper-ing...breakfast-ing takes a little more effort. I digress.

Anyway, back to "journal-ing" - ask my mother. I never kept a real diary. I'd start to, and then I'd lose interest. Diary never wrote back, that jerk. You can only write so many "Dear Diary" letters as a child and just be disappointed that you got nothing from Diary in return. Diary clearly did not like the art of "journal-ing" either.

You can ask my junior high English teacher - I distinctly remember one of my required journal entries being a big...and I mean BIG...picture of a sad face with two words: "Polly died." It was actually a sad thing - a girl in my school had been chosen to perform in the Des Moines ballet performance of the Nutcracker, and on her way to/fro, their car skid on ice and she died from the accident. Instead of writing all this, however, I figured the round sad teary face would say enough. WRONG! I didn't exactly fare well with the grading on that weeks entries let's just say.

Now, we've created the blog-o-sphere in the hopes that dazzling us with lurid not-so-new technologies will make us journal-ing skeptics take to the masses and scream "I've seen the light!" Well, I can tell you that after many failed attempts at keeping a blog on any given topic, BZZZZZZZZZZZ. Wrong answer. It's just electrified, not-so-private, share your thoughts and opinions on anything you like whether you're qualified or not.....journal-ing.

So, why am I here, you ask? I've decided to stop hating blogging. (Even though it, like its paper counterpart, took a noun and made it a verb. Somehow in the electronic format it seems less offensive.) I may still dislike it, but I think what draws me away from it is a lack of discipline. I'd rather just stare senselessly on Facebook for hours than sit and blog for a half hour. So, in my attempts to be more productive and less ... well, let's face it - lazy ... I've started a blog for me. If others read it, well, that's their business. For now, it's my attempt to try to recap my life so I know I'm living one and not just letting things pass by.

Journal-ing...well, I've taken it under re-consideration, and in the interest of being charitable, let's just say the jury is still out.
  • About Me

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    Live out loud, shine brightly, leave no stone unturned, and we might just rock the world. I'm a 30-something convert to Catholicism, working in ministry, trying to live each day with a big "YES!" to God's invitations...