Yes, I know it was a LOOOONG break, but like I said, I am not one who keeps a journal well. I've learned over the past few months that perhaps it isn't so much that I don't have the ability to keep up with a journal, but rather that perhaps I have to alter my perceptions of what that journal should look like.
In my mind, I aspire to keep a record of deep thoughts and profound experiences, waxing philosophical on life, unrooting the mysteries of theology and sharing them with the world. Well, in reality I think it is safe to say my profound moments come in blips and images rather than verbose, inspiring prose like Monster Friend. I guess I'm just going to have to learn to love who I am and go with it.
What does that mean for this blog? More photos, less babble! Well, more photos at's a definite fact that I tend to photograph those things that intrigue me...whether it be ice cream flavors clearly designed to prey on emotional women,
(really, Edy's? Eating away our emotions?)
or cats laying with their legs hanging off the table like a child...ok, maybe not
exactly like a child, but still intriguing to me!

So stay tuned for more pictures from the life of this Rakstar, and the occasional prose when the Spirit strikes. :)
God bless and good night!!